We are so grateful to have you in our family. It is because of dedicated supporters like you that Bethesda Project can grow and thrive. Your commitment to our cause has enabled our staff to provide the most vital programs—shelter, case management, and supportive services—to thousands of Philadelphia’s most vulnerable citizens experiencing homelessness. On behalf of all our shelter guests and housing residents, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Bethesda Project started in 1979 through the vision and leadership of Father Domenic Rossi. Today, because of your generosity, Bethesda Project remains faithfully true to its founding mission—to find and care for the abandoned poor and to be family with those who have none.
In 2015, Bethesda Project’s Board of Directors established The Domenic Fund to promote the sustainability of the organization, and to honor Father Domenic’s lifelong commitment to the abandoned poor. To date, The Domenic Fund has raised over $100,000 in working reserve funds which ensure Bethesda Project can sustain the long-term, life-changing work it does. This year, The Domenic Fund is more critical than ever as our nation faces uncertainty over the distribution of federal dollars and our most vulnerable populations are inundated with obstacles surrounding access to healthcare. As we prepare to close out our fiscal year, we are counting on your contributions to The Domenic Fund to sustain Bethesda Project’s work through these trying times. Our goal is to raise $25,000 by June 30, and your generosity to help us reach this goal is deeply appreciated.
Make your donation online through Bethesda Project’s website at www.bethesdaproject.org/Give. Opting into monthly donations to our organization increases its sustainability immensely.
Your contribution will sustain our mission and directly help stabilize the lives of single adults, like Bernard (shown below), who are experiencing homelessness and need our help. Supporting these vulnerable men and women – both now and in the future – requires substantial resources and long-term relationship building to address the underlying health and personal issues causing homelessness.
I cannot thank you enough for being part of the Bethesda Project community.
Warm Regards,
Tina Pagotto
Chief Executive Officer
Bernard moves into his own apartment after 5+ years of working with his Bethesda Project family to achieve his